A Lifesaver is trained to rescue a drowning person while keeping himself/herself safe and is capable of giving CPR and first aid. In Pool Lifesaver training one learns safe entry into swimming pool, safe approach and safe rescue of a drowning victim. The training includes underwater search, methods of rescue, use of rescue equipment, escaping hold of a drowning person and complete first aid. Our aim is to have ‘One lifesaver in every family’, thus making our water bodies safe.
Training Method – Theory + Practical + Exam
Course Duration – 30 Hours
Minimum Age – 14 years
Prerequisites – 300 mtr swim in 12 min , 25 mtr underwater swim; can stand with hands up in deep water for
1 min – (eggbeater kick)
Want to learn lifesaving skills? Submit the form and we will get in touch with you soon.